Wednesday, August 20, 2008

You Know You're Not in the City Anymore

So, my colleague, Jeff, and I get to drive every day from Batesville, MS, to Water Valley, MS. Contrary to popular opinion, Water Valley is an actual town. According to the signs, it is a "certified Mississippi Main Street community," whatever that means. However, Water Valley isn't big. The hospital and the nursing home are in the same building, for example. However, Water Valley doesn't have some of the crazy excesses that Batesville has. For example, Water Valley does not have this place right outside the city limits.

Yes, it is a store that refinishes tubs. And by "refinishing," I think they mean that they put about 200 old bathtubs outside on the front lawn, because that is all that is going on here. I mean, what? What is the point of this? I have no idea, but I had to take a picture. Here's a better picture of the tubs.

Completely ridiculous. You know all those rumors you hear about Mississippi being backwards and stuff? I'm starting to think they might have some merit. Yeesh...

1 comment:

636benjamin said...

what? doesn't everyone have a refinished tub plant right outside of town?