Saturday, January 10, 2009


I find myself a bit depressed today. There's no particular reason for it, though I think it has to do with a combination of lousy cold weather, crazy work stuff, working too much, and the start of the new year. Yes, some people get energized by January, but I find it a bore and just want it to get itself out of the way. Anyway, when I'm feeling a bit down, I have some sure-fire things I can do to make myself feel better. I can listen to cool music (I actually have specific albums that I keep for when I get depressed), I can drink tea (tea always makes me feel better, and I broke out my super special orange oolong tea today), or I can eat cool food. And today's cool food was waffles. In my brand new waffle maker. I got it earlier in the week, through the judicious use of my American Express points. So I tripped on out to Schnucks yesterday and got this fancy-pants organic corn meal waffle mix, which I whipped up this morning and ate what in all truthfulness was probably too many waffles. But, still, it was cool. I've never had a waffle maker before, and my family can tell you that during winter (especially around Christmas time), Aaron needs his waffles.

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