Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving Week

Most people would only celebrate Thanksgiving by eating unhealthy amounts of food on Thursday, but I decided to make a week of it. Not the eating part, but the rest of it. My company's local office in St. Louis gave us all Wednesday off, and I already had Thursday and Friday off as holidays granted by the firm nationally, so I decided to take Monday and Tuesday as vacation days. I spent the week sleeping in, cleaning, playing games (naturally), and catching up on reading. For example, I finally finished that Hobby Games Top 100 book (which will be written up shortly), and I also caught up on some comic books that had been hanging out, unread, on the end table in my living room. Stuff like that. It really is amazing how fast the days fly by when you sleep 10 hours a day. Still, everything on my long "to do" list for the week got completed, with the exception of re-arranging the furniture in my bedroom, which wasn't a required item, just something I've been thinking about for a while.

Anyway, on Thursday my friend George joined my brother Mark and my parents for dinner, and then we played Illuminati (a card game where each player represents a secret conspiracy and tries to take over the world; very fun) and Cosmic Wimpout. Quite a bit of Cosmic Wimput, actually. It is a dice game where you choose when to stop rolling the dice and accumulating points, as if you keep rolling you will eventually roll a "wimpout" and lose all of your points.

On Friday I swapped George for my other brother, Christopher, and his wife, Amy. More food was eaten, more games of Cosmic Wimpout were played, and then Mark and I went downtown and watched the Blues beat up on the hapless Vancouver Canucks. I despise the Canucks (not all Canadiens, just the hockey team), so that was a lot of fun. Since both of my brothers live out of town, now, it was good to get to see both of them.

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